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When Captain Cook discovered Tahiti in 1760, he was absolutely dazzled by the harmony between the inhabitants of the island and unspool nature. All crew dell'Enderavour was deeply fascinated in particular by tattoos of the natives.On that occasion, Cook coined the word "tattoo" that recalled the sound "tac-tac" produced by the beating of the hammer on the needle used to incise the skin. Cook was so impressed by Prince Omai, whose body was entirely covered in tattoos, who decided to take him to England among his countrymen. The vision of the prince was a huge success, creating a new form of tattoo, the tattoo Modern West: the mid-nineteenth century 15% of the UK population was tattooed. Who had no tattoo but went to see the huts of the circus where, bearded women, eat fire, etc ..., you could see men and women showing their bodies fully drawn. So are the circus and its phenomena "freak" that was responsible for the popularity of tattooing in modern Europe and the United States.
The first people to perform at the "side shows" were obviously the same fellow of Omai, but very shortly thereafter, appeared to be the first white tattooed themselves, creators of the first tattoo shop. The gold that was built around the tutu, was that the mysterious adventurer, "marked" by alien and perilous experiences, recounted his life to an audience captured by the drawings on his body. The first white man to perform at the beginning of '800 was a certain Jean Baptiste Cabri: French deserter who took refuge among the natives of the Marquesas Islands. Russian discovered by Georg H. Vonn Langdorff, had been reported in Europe to perform in the Russian steppes, shall recover a great success. In 1828, the example of Cabra was followed English Rutherford, who has returned from the fabulous adventures in New Zealand. His career in the circus English lasted just two years, followed by the acclaimed and popular press, the attention of his audience disasters with details of its history, ever changing and increasingly absurd.
The true proponent of the spread of tattooing in the West was the great impresario Phineas T. Barnum, who in 1841 organized the exhibition of fabulous Freaks mysterious deviations from the normal course of nature. " Before long, these curious people, exposed to the "American Museum Barnum's" depopulated throughout New York and then fascinate and attract the audience of the entire U.S., where, after the construction of the railway from coast to coast, Barnum himself gave life to the greatest circus of the world: "PT Barnum's Great Traveling Exposition. Main attraction of the circus was the "Prince Constantine", a Greek whose body was covered with fine tattoos. His story does not differ from his predecessors, his body had 388 and symmetrical images tightly interwoven. Their quality surpassed any tattoo ever seen dino then.
Even in Europe was much the star of the tattoo: Roustan, Lady Picture, Don Manuel ... In 1887, Charles Wagner, a young artist participating in one of these shows, he decided to learn the art of tattooing. She was fortunate to have as a master James O'Really, the best tattoo artist in New York. Latter was experimenting with his invention: the camera electrical for tattooing. With the camera quality of the designs improved enormously. The death of O'Really, Wagner inherited his study and became in turn the better: more than 50 of the most attractions circus subjected themselves to its mastery. Among these "La Belle Irene," which told of having been painted in wild land to protect the hostility of the natives?
Estimated that in 1920 they were hundreds of people tattooed who worked in circuses, the most famous of all was Horace Ridler, the only one to come from a family of the bourgeoisie. Soldier of the United Kingdom, was unemployed at the outbreak of peace. He decided to pursue a career as a phenomenon and, given the already huge competition, devised a new character: the man zebra. He made tattooing throughout the body by black and white stripes and polish your teeth to make them pointy. Became "The Great Omi, the star of the circus more than paid for and request the world. His dish was finished in 1969, when he died in Sussex. The parable of the Freak Shows, ended much earlier, or just after the Second World War, when the vision of men maimed not amuse anyone. In 1956 the "Rimgling Brother Greatest Show on Earth" gave his last show in Pittsburgh. By the end of the large about the survival of the tattoo was entrusted to only Tattoo shop.

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Source : lsdmagazine and here

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